Racks and Pedestals
Specials and Sales Items

Display Racks

Specials and Sales Items

Maple Display Racks

Great for scarves, ties, shawls, throws, rugs, bags and many other products.
Information on Ordering, Shipping and Terms of Sale.

Wall Display Racks

Wall Rack
Wall Racks
12 Spindle
18" High x 1 1/2" Wide and Deep
18 Spindle
25" High x 1 1/2" Wide and Deep
24 Spindle
32" High x 1 1/2" Wide and Deep

Floor and Table Display Racks

Floor Rack
Textile Racks
Standard Unit - 18 Spindles
74" High x 24" Wide. 16" Spindle
Table Unit - 18 Spindles
42" High x 14" Wide. 16" Spindle

Earring Spinner Display Rack

Earring Rack
20" High x 10" Wide and Deep $115.00

Holds 30 carded pairs of earrings.
Spins on a heavy duty lazy susan bearing.